Did you see something like that before? You should definitely watch this video. The new era of CNC post processing has already begun.That is what you have to expect from a CNC post processor.
You should follow Manus Software not to miss the future.
In MANUSpostdeveloper, we use scripting in a revolutional way.
1. First of all, we claim that most of the time, you won't even need scripting.
2. Standard features of MANUSpostdeveloper, will be mostly enough.
3. And when you need it, you'll only use it for less than 5% of the customization.
4. We only use scripts for special cases.
5. And there is absolutely no other post builder that is easier to define & use scripts.
6. You don’t need to define long scripts in MANUSpostdeveloper. Most of the time, less than 50 line of codes per script will be enough.
7. You only define short scripts and add them wherever you want in the post processor flow.
8. You can add them in any event.
9. You can also add them in any operation.
10. You can easily change the location of the script in the flow. For instance, with one click, you can make a script, run before or after the tool change.